Opustila nás velká soudkyně Eliška Wágnerová
„Vzpouzející se masa ztratila všechnu schopnost religiozity a poznání. Není schopna mít v sobě víc než politiku, a to politiku nemírnou, ztřeštěnou, pominutou.“ José Ortega y Gasset „Vzpoura davů 1930“
In today's increasingly complex global environment, ensuring transparency and combating undue political and corporate influence is essential. The European Justice Organization (EJO) plays a crucial role as an independent guarantor of institutional integrity, uncovering corruption and criminal activities within both governmental and corporate structures. Through an extensive network of partners, EJO focuses not only on high-level institutions but also on the general public, aiming to ensure the accountability of public institutions and strengthen the rule of law.
EJO is a key player in promoting transparency at all levels of governance. Independent investigations and oversight ensure that corporations and politicians are held accountable, particularly regarding their influence on legislation, the judiciary, and the media. The organization monitors human rights compliance primarily in countries with significant global influence, including the EU, the US, Russia, and China. By strengthening democratic principles, EJO contributes to protecting the public interest and citizens' rights.
A swift and independent response to reports of violations is crucial for ensuring justice. EJO's operational procedures ensure that each case is thoroughly investigated without external influence. The organization also monitors controversial legal proceedings, where political activists are often unjustly sentenced. Independence is key to maintaining public trust and strengthening EJO's role as an impartial actor on the international stage.
For EJO, transparency is a fundamental principle. Every investigation and report is conducted with the utmost openness, ensuring that the public and stakeholders have access to relevant information. Through its network of collaborating experts, EJO ensures the dissemination of truthful and clear information about its activities, thereby reinforcing trust in the legal system.
EJO operates independently of political and corporate influences and works solely in the public interest. Its resilience to external pressures ensures that justice is delivered impartially, free from power-driven interests. The organization is committed to protecting democratic values and promoting accountability in public life.
EJO acts as a transnational organization, cooperating with state authorities to uncover criminal activities and human rights violations. In addition to monitoring human rights, the organization focuses on protecting the integrity of public institutions and press freedom. EJO plays a key role in advancing global principles of justice and transparency.
EJO stands as a symbol of integrity and tireless dedication to justice. Its mission is to combat corruption and undue influence on public institutions, offering hope to those seeking a more just and transparent world. EJO ensures that accountability and transparency prevail.
„Vzpouzející se masa ztratila všechnu schopnost religiozity a poznání. Není schopna mít v sobě víc než politiku, a to politiku nemírnou, ztřeštěnou, pominutou.“ José Ortega y Gasset „Vzpoura davů 1930“
„Kdo má informace, má moc. Kdo neví, je ovládaný. Vrcholem bezmoci je nevědět, že jsem ovládaný. Nevědomost ovládaného je vrcholem moci ovládajícího.“ John Stewart Mill
Po soudu mi sdělil: „Už byste měl přestat s tím co píšete. Moh jste pochopit už dávno, že je to úplně jinak.“ To jsem pochopil už dávno. V diplomacii slouží jeden druhému, v zájmu třetího ...
Kde kolují velké peníze, zapomeňme na spravedlnost a zdravý rozum, zvláště v ČR. Svět nás už nebere vážně. Země bez skutečných elit, která je už nedokáže, není schopna obnovit, časem zákonitě upadá do konečného, zaslouženého zániku. JŠ
Revoluce zdravého rozumu, o ten jde v první řadě – Zlatý věk Ameriky začíná právě teď a díky Americe i obnova zdravého rozumu celého světa v zájmu normálních, slušných lidí – Zabráníme Greeandealu a zachráníme automobilky
In today's increasingly complex global environment, ensuring transparency and combating undue political and corporate influence is essential. The European Justice Organization (EJO) plays a crucial role as an independent guarantor of institutional integrity, uncovering corruption and criminal activities within both governmental and corporate structures. Through an extensive network of partners, EJO focuses not only on high-level institutions but also on the general public, aiming to ensure the accountability of public institutions and strengthen the rule of law.
EJO is a key player in promoting transparency at all levels of governance. Independent investigations and oversight ensure that corporations and politicians are held accountable, particularly regarding their influence on legislation, the judiciary, and the media. The organization monitors human rights compliance primarily in countries with significant global influence, including the EU, the US, Russia, and China. By strengthening democratic principles, EJO contributes to protecting the public interest and citizens' rights.
A swift and independent response to reports of violations is crucial for ensuring justice. EJO's operational procedures ensure that each case is thoroughly investigated without external influence. The organization also monitors controversial legal proceedings, where political activists are often unjustly sentenced. Independence is key to maintaining public trust and strengthening EJO's role as an impartial actor on the international stage.
For EJO, transparency is a fundamental principle. Every investigation and report is conducted with the utmost openness, ensuring that the public and stakeholders have access to relevant information. Through its network of collaborating experts, EJO ensures the dissemination of truthful and clear information about its activities, thereby reinforcing trust in the legal system.
EJO operates independently of political and corporate influences and works solely in the public interest. Its resilience to external pressures ensures that justice is delivered impartially, free from power-driven interests. The organization is committed to protecting democratic values and promoting accountability in public life.
EJO acts as a transnational organization, cooperating with state authorities to uncover criminal activities and human rights violations. In addition to monitoring human rights, the organization focuses on protecting the integrity of public institutions and press freedom. EJO plays a key role in advancing global principles of justice and transparency.
EJO stands as a symbol of integrity and tireless dedication to justice. Its mission is to combat corruption and undue influence on public institutions, offering hope to those seeking a more just and transparent world. EJO ensures that accountability and transparency prevail.